We write to remind you, our esteemed members on the important information, as regards concessionary privileges, which have been developed pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by CITN, ICAN and ANAN parties on 31st May, 2022. These concessions, granted by CITN, have resulted into a Special Pathway for ICAN /ANAN Members-in Practice (MsIP) to obtain the CITN Practice Licences, Seals and Customised Stamps within a grace period of 3 months effective 1st December 2022, and they are as follows: A. SPECIAL PATHWAY FOR ICAN AND ANAN MEMBERS IN PRACTICE (MsIP) TO OBTAIN THE CITN PRACTICE LICENSE, SEALS AND CUSTOMISED STAMPS
ICAN/ANAN MsIP, who are also CITN members, with outstanding subscription(s) will be required to pay the outstanding CITN subscription(s); while ICAN/ANAN MsIP who are NOT members of CITN shall pay the CITN membership application and Induction fees (N10,000 and N375,000 respectively) and would be eligible to attend the next CITN Induction. Consequent upon the above, both ICAN/ANAN MsIP who are members and prospective members can apply for CITN Practice Licence.
The CITN requirement of 36-month timeline for Practice Licence applicants will be waived for ICAN/ ANAN MsIP that will apply for the CITN Practice Licence within the 3 months grace period only.
CITN also waives the requirement of 35 hours credit units because ICAN/ANAN already operate a similar guideline for its MsIP.
CITN waives the requirement for CITN endorsed District Society forms as a requirement for application within the grace period only.
CITN shall grant a concessionary fee amounting to 50% of the CITN Practice Licence application fee of N120,000. This means that ICAN/ANAN MsIP applying for practice license within the grace period shall be required to pay only N60,000.
The grace period will elapse on 31st March, 2023.
All the above concessions have been agreed with our sister bodies in the light of advancing professionalism in the Nigerian Tax system. B. SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT CHANNELS
Log on to www.citn.org
Go to “member login”
Log in with username/membership no/e-mail address and password.
Click on “RENEW” button to generate your bill
Click on “Proceed to Payment” to generate your reference code.
Pay online via Globalpay OR pay to the Institute’s First Bank Account – 2011351834 and scan your teller with the reference code to finance@citn.org.
Thank you and May God bless you.
Yours faithfully, The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria