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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
This is the title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Papers Presented at Petroleum Industry Act 2021 Webinar
- Critical-Analysis-Of-The-Petroleum–Industry-Act-2021-And-Emerging-Issues-Barr-Eze-2-1.Pdf
- Pia-Presentation-Gabriel-Ogunjemilusi-1.Pdf
- Transmutting-from-PPTA-to-PIA-Azeez-Alatoye-2-1.pdf
- Governance-Structure-Host-Communities-Fund-NNPC-1-1.pdf
- Fiscal-and-Revenue-Provisions-of-the-Petroleum-Industrial-Act-PIA-Practitioners-Perspective-Kenneth-Erikume-1-1.pdf
Papers Presented at the CITN Finance Act, 2020
- Policy Implication of Finance Act by DR-ADEDOKUN.pdf
- Presentation-Dr-Fowokan.pdf
- Presentation-Dr-Udochukwu-G.-Ogbonna.pdf
- Presentation-Prof-Bola-Ahmed.pdf
- Presentation-Prof-Ishola-Rufus-Akintoye.pdf
Paper Presented at the Webinar on Understanding Digital Currency Operations
- Understanding Digital Currency Operations, The E-Naira Project by Dr Zainab Gobir, FCTI
- Understanding Digital Currency Operations, The Practitioner Perspective by Kenneth Erikume, FCTI
Paper Presented at the Webinar on Finance Act 2021 and FGN Budget 2022